There were several reasons why we were looking forward to the performance of the English Drama Group in the year of 2013. The previous seasons taught us to expect successful performances but this year's choice of inspiration in English literary history of the 14th century seemed challenging.
The twelfth performance was based on Geoffrey Chaucer, a medieval English poet, the author of Canterbury Tales. The three tales, portrayed in an original, modern and surprising way, brought entertainment and fun including the moral of the book. Minimalist costumes, stage set, and props only highlighted the acting and perfect mastery of the English language.
The theatre group managed to cope with the fact that a lot of actors starring in the previous years' performances had graduated so new talents took the baton to surprise us.
The Christmas audiences reached several thousand and students of elementary and secondary schools could also see Canterbury Tales performances in Opava and Frýdek Místek in the autumn. The project is funded by the Statutory City of Ostrava, which we appreciate very much.
I would like to thank all students for their excellent and fascinating acting, and Nika Štěpánková and Aleš Launer for long-term and patient cooperation.
Jana Huvarová