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English theater 2015/16

During the autumn workshop, students of Olga Havlova Grammar School worked really hard and undoubtedly managed to rehearse the play up to its perfection under the lead of the scriptwriter Nika Štěpánková

This season‘s play About my Family and Other Animals is based on the book written by the British writer and zoologist Gerald Durrell. It brings us to the Greek island of Corfu, where the author spent his beautiful childhood with his family members and friends. The book as well as the play is autobiographical and Gerry, the main protagonist, remembers the time with a humorous exaggeration and love of an eleven-year old boy.

So far students could have seen the play in Opava, Frýdek Místek and Orlová in autumn 2015 and traditionally it was seen by some 3,000 students of primary and secondary schools in Ostrava in Korunka during the last week before Christmas 2015.

Since it was a great success and the audience seem to enjoy the play, it will be performed again in April 2016 in Brno, Olomouc and Prostějov.

The project is granted by the Statutory City of Ostrava.

Zuzana Šubertová